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WARP settings

WARP settings define the WARP client modes and permissions available to end users.

​​ Global settings

​​ Admin override

Feature availability

When Enabled, end users can turn off the WARP client using a one-time code provided by an admin. This feature allows users to work around a temporary network issue (for example, an incompatible public Wi-Fi, or a firewall at a customer site blocking the connection).

You can also set a Timeout to define how long the user is allowed to toggle on or off the WARP switch.

​​ Retrieve the override code

To retrieve the one-time code for a user:

  1. Enable Admin override.
  2. Go to My Team > Devices.
  3. Select View for a connected device.
  4. Scroll down to User details and copy the 7-digit Override code.
  5. Share this code with the end user for them to enter on their device.

​​ Enter the override code

To turn off the WARP client on a user device:

  1. In the WARP client, go to Settings > Preferences > Advanced.
  2. Select Enter code.
  3. Enter the override code in the pop-up window.
  4. Turn off the WARP switch.

The WARP client will now show Disabled by Admin Override and the time when the override code expires. The client will automatically reconnect after the Auto connect period, but the user can continue to turn off WARP until Admin override times out.

​​ Install CA to system certificate store

Feature availability
Operating SystemsWARP mode requiredZero Trust plans
Windows, macOS, LinuxGateway with WARP, Proxy modeAll plans

When Enabled, the WARP client will automatically install your organization’s root certificate on the device.

​​ Device settings

​​ Captive portal detection

Feature availability

Captive portal detection is the ability for the WARP client to detect a third-party onboarding flow before Internet access is obtained. Captive portals typically occur in places such as airports, cafes, and hotels.

When Enabled, the WARP client will automatically turn off when it detects a captive portal, and it will automatically turn back on after the Timeout duration.

Since captive portal implementations vary, WARP may not detect all captive portals. If captive portal detection does not work, you can provide end users with a temporary admin override code. For more information, refer to the FAQ.

​​ Mode switch

Feature availability

When Enabled, end users have the option to switch between Gateway with WARP mode and Gateway with DoH mode. This feature does not support switching between any other modes.

​​ Lock WARP switch

Feature availability

Allows the user to turn off the WARP switch and disconnect the client.


  • Disabled: (default) The user is able to turn the switch on or off at their discretion. When the switch is off, the user will not have the ability to reach sites protected by Access that leverage certain device posture checks.
  • Enabled: The user is prevented from turning off the switch. The WARP client will always start in the connected state.

On new deployments, you must also include the auto_connect parameter with at least a value of 0. This will prevent clients from being deployed in the off state without a way for users to manually enable them.

​​ Allow device to leave organization

Feature availability


  • Enabled: (default) Users who manually enrolled their device are allowed to log out from your Zero Trust organization.
  • Disabled: Users who manually enrolled their device are prevented from leaving your Zero Trust organization. This disables the Logout from Zero Trust and Reset All Settings button in the WARP client interface. If the WARP client has been deployed with a management tool and a local policy exists, then this switch is bypassed and clients are always prevented from leaving.

​​ Allow updates

Feature availability
Operating SystemsWARP mode requiredZero Trust plans
macOS, Windows, LinuxAny modeAll plans

When Enabled, users will receive update notifications when a new version of the client is available. Only turn this on if your users are local administrators with the ability to add or remove software from their device.

​​ Auto connect

Feature availability

When Enabled, the client will automatically reconnect if it has been disabled for the specified Timeout value. This setting is best used in conjunction with Lock WARP Switch above.

We recommend keeping this set to a very low value — usually just enough time for a user to log in to hotel or airport Wi-Fi. If any value is specified, the client defaults to the Connected state (for example, after a reboot or the initial install).


  • 0: Allow the switch to stay in the off position indefinitely until the user turns it back on.
  • 1 to 1440: Turn switch back on automatically after the specified number of minutes.

​​ Support URL

Feature availability

When Enabled, the Send Feedback button in the WARP client appears and will launch the URL specified. Example Support URL values are:

  • Use an https:// link to open your companies internal help site.
  • Use a mailto: link to open your default mail client.

​​ Service mode

Feature availability

Allows you to choose the operational mode of the client. Refer to WARP Modes for a detailed description of each mode.

​​ Local Domain Fallback

Feature availability
Operating SystemsWARP mode requiredZero Trust plans
All systemsGateway with WARP, Gateway with DoHAll plans

Configures the WARP client to redirect DNS requests to a private DNS resolver. For more information, refer to our Local Domain Fallback documentation.

​​ Split Tunnels

Feature availability

Configures the WARP client to exclude or include traffic to specific IP addresses or domains. For more information, refer to our Split Tunnel documentation.

​​ Directly route Office 365 traffic

Feature availability

Creates Split Tunnel Exclude entries for all Office 365 IP addresses specified by Microsoft. To use this setting, Split Tunnels must be set to Exclude IPs and domains. Once enabled, all Office 365 network traffic will bypass WARP and Gateway.