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Cloudflared parameters

This page lists general-purpose configuration options for a Cloudflare Tunnel. You can add these flags to the cloudflared tunnel run command for remotely-managed and locally-managed tunnels. These flags can also be added to the configuration file for locally-managed tunnels.

Example: The following command runs the mytunnel tunnel by proxying traffic to port 8000 and disabling chunked transfer encoding.

cloudflared tunnel --url localhost:8000 --no-chunked-encoding run mytunnel

​​ config

config value~/.cloudflared/config.yml

Specifies the path to a config file in YAML format.

​​ edge-ip-version

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable
edge-ip-version valueautoTUNNEL_EDGE_IP_VERSION

Specifies the IP address version (IPv4 or IPv6) used to establish a connection between cloudflared and the Cloudflare global network. Available values are auto, 4, and 6.

The value auto relies on the host operating system to determine which IP version to select. The first IP version returned from the DNS resolution of the region lookup will be used as the primary set. In dual IPv6 and IPv4 network setups, cloudflared will separate the IP versions into two address sets that will be used to fallback in connectivity failure scenarios.

​​ edge-bind-address

SyntaxEnvironment Variable
edge-bind-address valueTUNNEL_EDGE_BIND_ADDRESS

Specifies the outgoing IP address used to establish a connection between cloudflared and the Cloudflare global network.

By default, cloudflared lets the operating system decide which IP address to use. This option is useful if you have multiple network interfaces available and want to prefer a specific interface.

The IP version of edge-bind-address will override edge-ip-version (if provided). For example, if you enter an IPv6 source address, cloudflared will always connect to an IPv6 destination.

​​ autoupdate-freq


Configures autoupdate frequency. See also: no-autoupdate.

​​ no-autoupdate

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable

Disables periodic check for updates, restarting the server with the new version. See also: autoupdate-freq. Restarts are performed by spawning a new process that connects to the Cloudflare global network. On successful connection, the old process will gracefully shut down after handling all outstanding requests.

​​ origincert

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable
origincert value~/.cloudflared/cert.pemTUNNEL_ORIGIN_CERT

Specifies the Tunnel certificate for one of your zones, authorizing the client to serve as an origin for that zone. A certificate is required to use Cloudflare Tunnel. You can obtain a certificate by using the login command or by visiting

​​ grace-period

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable

When cloudflared receives SIGINT/SIGTERM it will stop accepting new requests, wait for in-progress requests to terminate, then shut down. Waiting for in-progress requests will timeout after this grace period, or when a second SIGTERM/SIGINT is received.

​​ metrics

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable
metrics valuelocalhost:TUNNEL_METRICS

Specifies address to query for usage metrics.

​​ tag

SyntaxEnvironment Variable

Specifies custom tags used to identify this tunnel, in format KEY=VALUE. Multiple tags may be specified by delimiting them with commas e.g. KEY1=VALUE1, KEY2=VALUE2.

​​ retries

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable
retries value5TUNNEL_RETRIES

Specifies the maximum number of retries for connection/protocol errors. Retries use exponential backoff (retrying at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 seconds by default), so it is not recommended that you increase this value significantly.

​​ pidfile

SyntaxEnvironment Variable
pidfile valueTUNNEL_PIDFILE

Writes the application’s process identifier (PID) to this file after the first successful connection. Mainly useful for scripting and service integration.

​​ protocol

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable

Specifies the protocol used to establish a connection between cloudflared and the Cloudflare global network. Available values are auto, http2, and quic.

The auto value will automatically configure the quic protocol. If cloudflared is unable to establish UDP connections, it will fallback to using the http2 protocol.

​​ region

Allows you to choose the regions to which connections are established. Omit or leave empty to connect to the global region. Set --region=us to route all connections through us region 1 and us region 2.

​​ logfile

SyntaxEnvironment Variable
logfile valueTUNNEL_LOGFILE

Saves application log to this file. Mainly useful for reporting issues. For more details on what information you need when contacting Cloudflare support, refer to this guide.

​​ loglevel

SyntaxDefaultEnvironment Variable
loglevel valueinfoTUNNEL_LOGLEVEL

Specifies the verbosity of logging. The default info level does not produce much output, but you may wish to use the warn level in production. Available levels are: debug, info, warn, error, fatal.

​​ token

SyntaxEnvironment Variable
token valueTUNNEL_TOKEN

Associates the cloudflared instance with a specific tunnel. The tunnel’s token is shown in the dashboard when you first create the tunnel. You can also retrieve the token using the API.