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Cloudflare Zero Trust
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External Evaluation rules

With Cloudflare Access, you can create Allow or Block policies which evaluate the user based on custom criteria. This is done by adding an External Evaluation rule to your policy. The External Evaluation selector requires two values:

  • Evaluate URL — the API endpoint containing your business logic.
  • Keys URL — the key that Access uses to verify that the response came from your API

After the user authenticates with your identity provider, Access sends the user’s identity to the external API at Evaluate URL. The external API returns a True or False response to Access, which will then allow or deny access to the user. To protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, Access signs all requests with your Access account key and checks that responses are signed by the key at Keys URL.

You can set up External Evaluation rules using any API service, but to get started quickly we recommend using Cloudflare Workers.

​​ Set up external API and key with Cloudflare Workers

​​ Prerequisites

​​ 1. Create a new Worker

  1. Open a terminal and clone our example project.

    $ wrangler generate my-worker
  2. Go to the project directory.

    $ cd my-worker
  3. Create a Workers KV namespace to store the key. The binding name should be KV if you want to run the example as written.

    $ wrangler kv:namespace create "KV"

    The command will output the binding name and KV namespace ID, for example { binding = "KV", id = "3e56d0300d714e7994c209d7aff3ccbe" }.

  4. Open wrangler.toml in a text editor and insert the following:

    • <ACCOUNT_ID>: your Cloudflare account ID.
    • <KV_NAMESPACE_ID>: the id of your KV namespace.
    • <TEAM_NAME>: your Cloudflare Zero Trust team name.
    name = "my-worker"
    type = "javascript"
    account_id = "<ACCOUNT_ID>"
    workers_dev = true
    route = ""
    zone_id = ""
    compatibility_date = "2022-05-16"
    kv_namespaces = [
    { binding = "KV", id = "<KV_NAMESPACE_ID>" }

​​ 2. Program your business logic

  1. Open index.js and modify the externalEvaluation function to perform logic on any identity-based data sent by Access.
  1. Deploy the Worker to Cloudflare’s global network.

    $ npx wrangler deploy

The Worker will be deployed to your * subdomain at my-worker.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>

​​ 3. Generate a key

To generate an RSA private/public key pair:

  1. Open a browser and go to https://my-worker.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>

  2. (Optional) Verify that the key has been stored in the KV namespace:

    1. Open the Cloudflare dashboard and go to Workers & Pages > KV.
    2. Select View next to my-worker-KV.

Other key formats (such as DSA) are not supported at this time.

​​ 4. Create an External Evaluation rule

  1. In Zero Trust, go to Access > Applications.

  2. Find the application for which you want to apply the External Evaluation rule and select Edit.

  3. In the Policies tab, edit an existing policy or select Add a policy.

  4. Add the following rule to your policy:

    Rule TypeSelectorEvaluate URLKeys URL
    IncludeExternal Evaluationhttps://my-worker.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN><YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>

When a user logs in to your application, Access will now check their email, device, location, and other identity-based data against your business logic. To test your policies against an email, go to the Policies tab and select Test your policies.

​​ Troubleshooting the Worker

To debug your External Evaluation rule:

  1. Go to your Worker directory.

    $ cd my-worker
  2. Open wrangler.toml in a text editor and set the debug variable to TRUE.

  3. Deploy your changes.

    $ npx wrangler deploy
  4. Next, start a session to output realtime logs from your Worker.

    $ wrangler tail -f pretty
  5. Log in to your Access application.

    The session logs should show an incoming and outgoing JWT. The incoming JWT was sent by Access to the Worker API, while the outgoing JWT was sent by the Worker back to Access.

  6. To decode the contents of a JWT, you can copy the token into

    The incoming JWT should contain the user’s identity data. The outgoing JWT should look similar to:

    "success": true,
    "iat": 1655409315,
    "exp": 1655409375,
    "nonce": "9J2E9Xg6wYj8tlnA5MV4Zgp6t8rzmS0Q"

    Access checks the outgoing JWT for all of the following criteria:

    • Token was signed by Keys URL.
    • Expiration date has not elapsed.
    • API returns "success": true.
    • nonce is unchanged from the incoming JWT. The nonce value is unique per request.

    If any condition fails, the External Evaluation rule evaluates to false.