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Wrangler Support

Wrangler is our command-line tool for configuring, building and deploying applications with Cloudflare developer products. Use Wrangler to manipulate your Constellation projects and machine-learning models or search for verified models in our catalog.

​​ Installation

To install Wrangler for Constellation, run:

$ npm install wrangler --save-dev

Test Wrangler with npx:

$ npx wrangler constellation
wrangler constellation
🤖 Interact with Constellation models
wrangler constellation project Manage your projects
wrangler constellation model Manage your models
wrangler constellation catalog Check the curated model catalog
wrangler constellation runtime Check the supported runtimes
-j, --experimental-json-config Experimental: Support wrangler.json [boolean]
-c, --config Path to .toml configuration file [string]
-e, --env Environment to use for operations and .env files [string]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]

​​ Commands

​​ Manage projects

Use Wrangler to list, create or delete your projects.

$ npx wrangler constellation project --help
wrangler constellation project
Manage your projects
wrangler constellation project list List your projects
wrangler constellation project create <name> <runtime> Create project
wrangler constellation project delete <name> Delete project

​​ Create a project

Create a Constellation project.

$ npx wrangler constellation project create "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>" ONNX

​​ List your projects

List your Constellation project.

$ npx wrangler constellation project list

​​ Delete a project

Delete a Constellation project.

$ npx wrangler constellation project delete "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME"

​​ Manage models

You can use Wrangler to list, create or delete your models.

$ npx wrangler constellation model --help
wrangler constellation model
Manage your models
wrangler constellation model upload <projectName> <modelName> <modelFile> Upload a model for an existing project
wrangler constellation model list <projectName> List models of a project
wrangler constellation model delete <projectName> <modelName> Delete a model of a project

​​ Upload a model

To upload the SqueezeNet1.1 CNN model to your project, run:

$ npx wrangler constellation model upload "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>" "squeezenet11" squeezenet1.1.onnx

​​ List models

List the models in your Constellation project.

$ npx wrangler constellation model list "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>"

​​ Delete model

Delete a model in your Constellation project.

$ npx wrangler constellation model delete "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>" "squeezenet11"

​​ Access the catalog

The catalog has ready-to-use pre-verified models for our supported runtimes that you can start using in any script without additional configurations. Review the following commands on how you interact with the catalog from Wrangler.

​​ List catalog models

List the models in the catalog.

$ npx wrangler constellation catalog list

​​ Bindings

To deploy a Constellation Worker, you must declare one or more bindings for the Constellation projects you want to use in your wrangler.toml configuration file.

# Top-level configuration
name = "my-worker"
main = "src/index.js"
compatibility_date = "2022-07-12"
workers_dev = false
route = { pattern = "*", zone_name = "" }
constellation = [
{binding = 'AI', project_id = '9d478427-dea6-4988-9b16-f6f8888d974c'},
{binding = 'SENTIMENT_AI', project_id = '8128ac62-0010-5441-beaf-c001e1ee5939'}