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​​ Background

Workers KV is a global, low-latency, key-value data store. It stores data in a small number of centralized data centers, then caches that data in Cloudflare’s data centers after access. KV supports exceptionally high read volumes with low latency, making it possible to build highly dynamic APIs and websites that respond as quickly as a cached static file would. While reads are periodically revalidated in the background, requests which are not in cache and need to hit the centralized back end can see high latencies.

Learn more about How KV works.

To use Workers KV, you must create a KV namespace and add a binding to your Worker. Refer to the instructions for Wrangler KV commands on how to create a namespace with Wrangler. Create a KV namespace in the dashboard by logging into the Cloudflare dashboard > select Workers & Pages > KV.

The descriptions of KV methods below also contain links to Wrangler or REST API equivalents where appropriate, but using KV from your Worker is generally better for latency, scalability, and availability.

​​ Methods

​​ Writing key-value pairs

To create a new key-value pair, or to update the value for a particular key, call the put method on any namespace you have bound to your script. The basic form of this method looks like this:

await NAMESPACE.put(key, value);

​​ Parameters

  • key string

    • The key to associate with the value. A key cannot be empty, . or ... All other keys are valid. Keys have a maximum length of 512 bytes.
  • value string | ReadableStream | ArrayBuffer

    • The value to store. The type is inferred.

This method returns a Promise that you should await on in order to verify a successful update.

The maximum size of a value is 25 MiB.

You can also write key-value pairs from the command line with Wrangler and write data via the API.

Due to the eventually consistent nature of Workers KV, concurrent writes can end up overwriting one another. It is a common pattern to write data from a single process via Wrangler or the API. This avoids competing, concurrent writes because of the single stream. All data is still readily available within all Workers bound to the namespace.

Writes are immediately visible to other requests in the same global network location, but can take up to 60 seconds to be visible in other parts of the world. Refer to How KV works for more information on this topic.

​​ Writing data in bulk

You can write more than one key-value pair at a time with Wrangler or via the API. The bulk API can accept up to 10,000 KV pairs at once.

A key and value are required for each KV pair. The entire request size must be less than 100 megabytes. As of January 2022, Cloudflare does not support bulk writes from within a Worker.

​​ Expiring keys

Many common uses of Workers KV involve writing keys that are only meant to be valid for a certain amount of time. Rather than requiring applications to remember to delete such data at the appropriate time, Workers KV offers the ability to create keys that automatically expire. You may configure expiration to occur either at a particular point in time or after a certain amount of time has passed since the key was last modified.

Once the expiration time of an expiring key is reached, it will be deleted from the system. After its deletion, attempts to read it will behave as if the key does not exist. The deleted key will not count against the namespace’s storage usage for billing purposes.

You can choose one of two ways to specify when a key should expire:

  1. Set a key’s expiration using an absolute time specified in a number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. For example, if you wanted a key to expire at 12:00AM UTC on April 1, 2019, you would set the key’s expiration to 1554076800.

  2. Set a key’s expiration time to live (TTL) using a relative number of seconds from the current time. For example, if you wanted a key to expire 10 minutes after creating it, you would set its expiration TTL to 600.

Both of these options are usable when writing a key inside a Worker or when writing keys using the API.

As of January 2022, expiration targets that are less than 60 seconds into the future are not supported. This is true for both expiration methods.

​​ Creating expiring keys

The put method described previously has an optional third parameter. It accepts an object with optional fields that allow you to customize the behavior of the put method. In particular, you can set either expiration or expirationTtl, depending on how you would like to specify the key’s expiration time. To do this, run one of the two commands below to set an expiration when writing a key from within a Worker:

  • NAMESPACE.put(key, value, {expiration: secondsSinceEpoch}) : Promise

  • NAMESPACE.put(key, value, {expirationTtl: secondsFromNow}) : Promise

These assume that secondsSinceEpoch and secondsFromNow are variables defined elsewhere in your Worker code.

You can also write with an expiration on the command line via Wrangler or via the API.

​​ Metadata

To associate some metadata with a key-value pair, set metadata to any arbitrary object (must serialize to JSON) in the put options object on a put call. To do this in a Worker:

await NAMESPACE.put(key, value, {
metadata: { someMetadataKey: "someMetadataValue" },

The serialized JSON representation of the metadata object must be no more than 1024 bytes in length.

​​ Reading key-value pairs

To get the value for a given key, you can call the get method on any namespace you have bound to your script:


The method returns a promise you can await to get the value. If the key is not found, the promise will resolve with the literal value null.

Note that get may return stale values – if a given key has recently been read in a given location, changes to the key made in other locations may take up to 60 seconds to be visible. Refer to How KV works for more information on this topic.

An example of reading a key from within a Worker:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const value = await env.NAMESPACE.get("first-key");
if (value === null) {
return new Response("Value not found", { status: 404 });
return new Response(value);

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
const value = await NAMESPACE.get("first-key");
if (value === null) {
return new Response("Value not found", { status: 404 });
return new Response(value);

You can read key-value pairs from the command line with Wrangler and from the API.

​​ Types

You can pass in an options object with a type parameter to the get method:

NAMESPACE.get(key, { type: "text" });

The type parameter can be any of:

For simple values, it often makes sense to use the default "text" type which provides you with your value as a string. For convenience, a "json" type is also specified which will convert a JSON value into an object before returning it to you. For large values, you can use "stream" to request a ReadableStream and "arrayBuffer" to request an ArrayBuffer for binary values.

For large values, the choice of type can have a noticeable effect on latency and CPU usage. For reference, the types can be ordered from fastest to slowest as "stream", "arrayBuffer", "text", and "json".

​​ Cache TTL

The get options object also accepts a cacheTtl parameter:

NAMESPACE.get(key, { cacheTtl: 3600 });

The cacheTtl parameter must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 60, which is the default. It defines the length of time in seconds that a KV result is cached in the global network location that it is accessed from. This can be useful for reducing cold read latency on keys that are read relatively infrequently. It is especially useful if your data is write-once or write-rarely. It is not recommended if your data is updated often and you need to see updates shortly after they are written, because writes that happen from other global network locations will not be visible until the cached value expires.

The effective Cache TTL of an already cached item can be reduced by getting it again with a lower cacheTtl. For example, if you did NAMESPACE.get(key, {cacheTtl: 86400}) but later realized that caching for 24 hours was too long, you could NAMESPACE.get(key, {cacheTtl: 300}) or even NAMESPACE.get(key) and it would check for newer data to respect the provided cacheTtl, which defaults to 60 seconds.

​​ Metadata

You can get the metadata associated with a key-value pair alongside its value by calling the getWithMetadata method on a namespace you have bound in your script:

const { value, metadata } = await NAMESPACE.getWithMetadata(key);

If there is no metadata associated with the requested key-value pair, null will be returned for metadata.

You can pass an options object with type and/or cacheTtl parameters to the getWithMetadata method, similar to get.

​​ Deleting key-value pairs

To delete a key-value pair, call the delete method on any namespace you have bound to your script:

await NAMESPACE.delete(key);

This will remove the key and value from your namespace. As with any operations, it may take some time to see that they key has been deleted from various points in the Cloudflare global network.

This method returns a promise that you should await on in order to verify successful deletion.

If you attempt to read a deleted key from KV, the promise will resolve with the literal value null.

You can also delete key-value pairs from the command line with Wrangler or via the API.

​​ Listing keys

You can use a list operation to see all of the keys that live in a given namespace.

An example:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const value = await env.NAMESPACE.list();
return new Response(value.keys);

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
const value = await NAMESPACE.list();
return new Response(value.keys);

You can also list keys on the command line with Wrangler or via the API.

Changes may take up to 60 seconds to be visible when listing keys.

​​ More detail

The list method has this signature (in TypeScript):

NAMESPACE.list({prefix?: string, limit?: number, cursor?: string})

All arguments are optional:

  • prefix is a string that represents a prefix you can use to filter all keys.
  • limit is the maximum number of keys returned. The default is 1,000, which is the maximum. It is unlikely that you will want to change this default but it is included for completeness.
  • cursor is a string used for paginating responses.

The list method returns a promise which resolves with an object that looks like this:

"keys": [
"name": "foo",
"expiration": 1234,
"metadata": { "someMetadataKey": "someMetadataValue" }
"list_complete": false,
"cursor": "6Ck1la0VxJ0djhidm1MdX2FyD"

The keys property will contain an array of objects describing each key. That object will have one to three keys of its own: the name of the key and optionally the key’s expiration and metadata values.

The name is a string, the expiration value is a number, and metadata is whatever type was set initially. The expiration value will only be returned if the key has an expiration and will be in the absolute value form, even if it was set in the TTL form. Any metadata will only be returned if the given key has non-null associated metadata.

Additionally, if list_complete is false, there are more keys to fetch, even if the keys array is empty. You will use the cursor property to get more keys. Refer to the Pagination section below for more details.

Note that if your values fit in the metadata-size limit, you may consider storing them in metadata instead. This is more efficient than a list followed by a get per key. When using put, you can leave the value parameter empty and instead include a property in the metadata object:

await NAMESPACE.put(key, "", {
metadata: { value: value },

​​ Listing by prefix

You can also list all of the keys starting with a particular prefix. For example, you may have structured your keys with a user, a user ID, and key names, separated by colons (for example, user:1:<key>). You could get the keys for user number one by doing this:

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const value = await env.NAMESPACE.list({ prefix: "user:1:" });
return new Response(value.keys);

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
const value = await NAMESPACE.list({ prefix: "user:1:" });
return new Response(value.keys);

This will return all of the keys that start with the "user:1:" prefix.

​​ Ordering

Keys are always returned in lexicographically sorted order according to their UTF-8 bytes.

​​ Pagination

If there are more keys to fetch, the list_complete key will be set to false and a cursor will also be returned. In this case, you can call list again with the cursor value to get the next batch of keys:

const value = await NAMESPACE.list();
const cursor = value.cursor;
const next_value = await NAMESPACE.list({ cursor: cursor });

Note that checking for an empty array in keys is not sufficient to determine whether there are more keys to fetch; check list_complete instead. The reason it is possible to have an empty array in keys, but still have more keys to fetch, is because recently expired or deleted keys must be iterated through but will not be included in the returned keys.

When de-paginating a large result set while also providing a prefix argument, the prefix argument must be provided in all subsequent calls along with the initial arguments.

​​ KV bindings

​​ Reference KV from Workers

A KV namespace is a key-value database that is replicated to Cloudflare’s global network. To connect to a KV namespace from within a Worker, you must define a binding that points to the namespace’s ID.

The name of your binding does not need to match the KV namespace’s name. Instead, the binding should be a valid JavaScript identifier because it will exist as a global variable within your Worker.

This is not the case with ES modules format, refer to Reference KV using ES modules.

When you create a namespace, it will have a name you choose (for example, My tasks), and an assigned ID (for example, 06779da6940b431db6e566b4846d64db).

For your Worker to execute properly, define the binding (called TODO in the following example). In the kv_namespaces portion of your wrangler.toml file, add:

name = "worker"
# ...
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "TODO", id = "06779da6940b431db6e566b4846d64db" }

With this, the deployed Worker will have a TODO binding on the env parameter in ES modules format, and a TODO global variable in Service Worker format. Any methods on the TODO binding will map to the KV namespace with an ID of 06779da6940b431db6e566b4846d64db – which you called My Tasks earlier.

export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
// Get the value for the "to-do:123" key
// NOTE: Relies on the `TODO` KV binding that maps to the "My Tasks" namespace.
let value = await env.TODO.get("to-do:123");
// Return the value, as is, for the Response
return new Response(value);

addEventListener("fetch", async (event) => {
// Get the value for the "to-do:123" key
// NOTE: Relies on the `TODO` KV binding that maps to the "My Tasks" namespace.
let value = await TODO.get("to-do:123");
// Return the value, as is, for the Response
event.respondWith(new Response(value));

​​ Reference KV from Durable Objects and Workers using ES Modules format

The documentation above assumes you are using the original Service Worker syntax, where binding a KV namespace makes it available as a global variable with the name you chose, for example, NAMESPACE. Durable Objects use ES modules. Instead of a global variable, bindings are available as properties of the env parameter passed to the constructor. A typical example might look like:

export class DurableObject {
constructor(state, env) {
this.state = state;
this.env = env;
async fetch(request) {
const valueFromKV = await this.env.NAMESPACE.get("someKey");
return new Response(valueFromKV);